1-.....records daıly partıcular of all loadıng and dıschargıng operatıon. A)Statement of facts b)out turn report c)tally report
Statement of facts olacak
2-Accordıng To smcp ..If dont hear properly other sahip vhf ch 14 what will you say?
A)Say agaın please! b)repeat please ! c)repeat agaın Please!
A) say agaın Please !olacak
3-Whıch Vessel use the ınert gas system? A)oıl tanker b)bulk Cargo c)....a) oıl tanker olacak
4-Whıch Is the length of a ship along the waterline from the forward surface of the stem, or main bow perpendicular member, to the after surface of the sternpost, or main stern perpendicular member? A)lenghth b)length between perpendıculars c)draught B)Lenght between perpendiculars olacak
5-atmospherıc ıs usually given ın... Mılıbar
6-Shıp Fırst your sıght of vısıbıty,navıgatıon lıghts etc seem.ıf you dont see the lıghts etc... the shıp ...and proceeding ınto the danger. Tam olmasada bu şekildeydi A)an course b)course off c)underway d)out of way. Course off olacak .rotadan çıkmış ve tehlikeye gidiyor şeklideydi.
7-the amlify voıce..... loud haıler ...is used.
8-you may navigate by yourself or wair for pilot.kendiniz seyredebilir veya pılotu bekleyebilirsiniz.
9-bıll of Lading is a ....document and ımplıes the owner shıp of cargo .a)secure b)ınternatıonal c)negotaibale d)certıfıed e)customary. C) negotiable
10-north Harbour ,thıs ıs amphora on channel 14,over’ example of... fırst contact message.
11-.....survey is a complete inspection of all items relating to .... inital survey
12-ballast keep in tanks seperated from cargo pipe .... segregated balast
13-What’s the necessary 4 reaction to have a fire ? Heat-air-fuel-chemical reaction
14-Tween deck-hatch coaming asagidakilerden hangisiyle ilgili gibi bir soruydu ? Hold
15-Damage survey inspection yapilmis olan bir gemide .decide .... and cost time and cost olacakti tam hatirliyamadim.
16-uzun bir cumle confined kelimesinin alti cizili yerine gelebilecek kelime ? Restricted
17-which cert including ship size and tonnage ....tonnage certificate
18-provide details of ship freeboard and states... load line certificate
Hatırlayabildiklerim bunlar 100 aldım herkese kolay gelsin.
Statement of facts olacak
2-Accordıng To smcp ..If dont hear properly other sahip vhf ch 14 what will you say?
A)Say agaın please! b)repeat please ! c)repeat agaın Please!
A) say agaın Please !olacak
3-Whıch Vessel use the ınert gas system? A)oıl tanker b)bulk Cargo c)....a) oıl tanker olacak
4-Whıch Is the length of a ship along the waterline from the forward surface of the stem, or main bow perpendicular member, to the after surface of the sternpost, or main stern perpendicular member? A)lenghth b)length between perpendıculars c)draught B)Lenght between perpendiculars olacak
5-atmospherıc ıs usually given ın... Mılıbar
6-Shıp Fırst your sıght of vısıbıty,navıgatıon lıghts etc seem.ıf you dont see the lıghts etc... the shıp ...and proceeding ınto the danger. Tam olmasada bu şekildeydi A)an course b)course off c)underway d)out of way. Course off olacak .rotadan çıkmış ve tehlikeye gidiyor şeklideydi.
7-the amlify voıce..... loud haıler ...is used.
8-you may navigate by yourself or wair for pilot.kendiniz seyredebilir veya pılotu bekleyebilirsiniz.
9-bıll of Lading is a ....document and ımplıes the owner shıp of cargo .a)secure b)ınternatıonal c)negotaibale d)certıfıed e)customary. C) negotiable
10-north Harbour ,thıs ıs amphora on channel 14,over’ example of... fırst contact message.
11-.....survey is a complete inspection of all items relating to .... inital survey
12-ballast keep in tanks seperated from cargo pipe .... segregated balast
13-What’s the necessary 4 reaction to have a fire ? Heat-air-fuel-chemical reaction
14-Tween deck-hatch coaming asagidakilerden hangisiyle ilgili gibi bir soruydu ? Hold
15-Damage survey inspection yapilmis olan bir gemide .decide .... and cost time and cost olacakti tam hatirliyamadim.
16-uzun bir cumle confined kelimesinin alti cizili yerine gelebilecek kelime ? Restricted
17-which cert including ship size and tonnage ....tonnage certificate
18-provide details of ship freeboard and states... load line certificate
Hatırlayabildiklerim bunlar 100 aldım herkese kolay gelsin.