09.07.2014 İzmir İngilizce Sınav Soruları


09.07.2014 İzmir İngilizce sorular
1.“I am sinking”, “I am on fire”, “I am not under command”, “I am in collision” and “I am aground” are all ......
a) pilot request messages
b) way point messages
c) anchoring messages
d) clearence messages
e) incident messages*****************
2. ........................ and ..................................... are used as distress signals.
a) speakers – aviators
b) asmoke – pigeons
c) rockers – voices
d) flares – rockets******************
e) navigators – passengers
3. Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after a repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are made.
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey*****************
b)Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey
d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey
4. Turk loydu hangisini onaylamaz
Deck log book ***************
Safety management cert.
Safety equipment cert.
Stabilite book
Fire plan
5. Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters. This indicates the __________.
a. rock is visible at low water springs only
b. rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
c. rock is dry at high water************
d. exact position of the rock is doubtful
6.The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately __________.

A) apply ointment to the burned area
B) flood the affected area with water*******************
C) wrap the burn with sterile dressing
D) apply an ice pack to the burned area

7. The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the beams and the
frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the __________.

A) garboard strake
B) limber strake
C) sheer strake
D) stringer strake************

8.The main aim of the Classification Societyis ;
****To observe if the ship is seaworthy an is capable of carrying the Cargo sehe has been designed to carry
9.A: dont follow me
B: ………….
Cvp : I will not follow you**************
10. bir pasaj vardı orda bir olay anlatıyordu , soruda aşağıdakilerden hangisinden bahsedilmemiştir demişti
A)tahliye limanı hakkında bilgi,
B)yükleme limanı hakkında bilgi
C)consignee hakkında bilgi ,
D) yük hakkında bilgi
E)acenta hakkında bilgi olarak******************
11) engine room un kontrolü kimdedir ve engine loog book u kim imzalar demişti
Cvp : Chief Engineer***************
12) Muster stationa personeli kim toplar ve kim yönetir
Cvp: Chief officer***************
13) A ship size capacity can be describe twotwo ways linear dimension or…………………..
Boşluğa hangisi gelir
Cvp :TONNAGE *************
14) gemideki gmdss ile ilgili kitapları son ra dökümanları kim denetler diye bir soru vardı iki şık arasında kaldım
1)Ship safety certificate sörvey
2)Radio communication cert. Sörvey( ben bunu işaretledim)********************
15) uzun bir soru vardı. Ama kesinlikle cevabı PAPER harita ile ilgili bir soruydu .
16) sweat ship is diye başlıyordu vapour (moistened) condensed into hold falan devam ediyordu droplest below kısacası ambarlarda oluşan bu damlalar neden dolayıdır
A)ship sweat
B)Cargo Sweat
C)dew Point ( ben bunu işaretledi)*************
D) relative humidity
E) Tainity
17) (because of dust) tozdan dolayı gemide oluşan korozyona ne sebep olur gibi birşeydi.
A) vapurization
B) conduction
Başkada hatırlamıyorum girenlere kolay gelsin başarılar …. Soru paylaşan bütün arkadaşlara çok teşekkürler
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