10.04.2013 Ing.sınav Soruları


10.04.2013 tarıhınde girmiş olduğumda ing. sınavında bana sorulan sorular aklımda kalanları yazıyorum.

2) Personel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated, keep their hands inside to avoid them being crashed against ship side.

a) On board
b) Standing By
c) Monitoring
d) Taking part in
e) In a rescue boat

1) Deadweight tons weight but ............................. volume feet cube
a) Gross Tonnage x
b) Gross Register Tonnage

24) Classification interests with:
a) Only hull
b) Hull and machinery
c) Elecrtical installations
d) Hull and elecrtical installations
e) Hull and machinery and elecrtical installations x

25) A .............. report written and record when someone is witness of it
a) İncident x
b) ISM

40) If cargo damaged or ......... shall be made
a) Claim x
b) Marks
c) Write

Atmospheric pressure is usually given in ………………………………….

a) minibars
b) minimum
c) millenium
d) miles
e) milibarxx

5-During surveys, ship is sometimes ........ for visual hull inspection below the water line, anchor equipment and thickness measurement.
a) Anchored
b) Docked
c) at Sea
d) Dry Docked xx
e) Sea Locked

37- Classification interests with:
a) Only hull
b) Hull and machinery
c) Elecrtical installations
d) Hull and elecrtical installations
e) Hull and machinery and elecrtical installations xx

163- If the survey reveals that a vessel’s class has been affected?
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class society xx
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above

2- Intermediate Surveys are: a) More detailed(details extended) Annual Surveys,
b) They fall due,nominally 2,5 years after the commencement of the class period,
c) They are made whenever necessary,
d) (a)+(c)
e) (a)+(b)
cvp e

5. A fire started in the main engine room of a vessel when at sea. Both main engines were stopped by the crew. The ship had full electrical power supply during the event due to having a separate auxiliary engine room. The crew used CO2 and water to startthe fire, which was finally extinguished after about 4 hours.
Which of the underlined words must be changed to get a correct meaning?
a) at sea
b) stopped
c) used
d) start
e) finally

yeni sorulan sorularda yüke veya gemiye gelen bir hasarda kaptan armatöre diğer türlü nasıl belge yollardı cvp şıklarında sof a sea protest cargo protest bil of ladıng vardı.

grafik sorusu vardı haritada harfler ve harflerın yakınında basınçlar vardı

telsızle sağlık yardımı alınacağı zaman neler hazır olmalıdır diye bir soru vardı eski soruydu fakat nette bulamadım cevap all of the above olacak

talim yapılırken can yelekleri talimden önce kim kontrolü yapar diyede bir soru vardı şıklarda kaptan 2,kaptan emniyet zabiti gibi şıklar vardı.

beni takip edin sorusu

önünüzde hareketinizi engelleyen bir gemi var ingilizce karşılığı soruluyor.

aklımda kalanlar bunlar sınava girmeden önce internette yayınlanan sorulara kesinlikle çalışmanızı tavsiye ederim ve kesinlikle hafife almayın hafife alan bir çok arkadaşım kaldı...