GOSS 01.04.2012 GOSS Denizcilik İngilizcesi


1_ Many types of bulk cargo are liable to
shıftıng and therefore special precautions
must be taken wıth such cargoes as grain
some kind of ores,certain kinds of coal,
broken granite etc.ıt ıs necessary to see
that the bulk cargo is well trimmed.A load
of barrels should be stowed bılge free and
well blocked off to avoid it.
This passage is about................

A) handling damage
B) crushing
C) dust damage
D) leakage
E) shifting

2_ ................... is NOT included in a radar
idenfication message.

A) Destination
B) Adressee
C) Sender
D) Position
E) Course / Speed

3_ Which of the following messages needs to be corrected ?

A) “instruction:Do not enter the fairway”
B) “information:Visibility is not expected to change in your position”
C) “ I will use my own tow lines”
D) May ı proceed along the ice channel ?
E) “ Warning.Obstruction in the fairway”

4_ Dear sirs,
I regret to inform you that due to the stoppage of the separating valve of the bilge manifold some water from the ballast tank on port side was pumped overboard together with the oil contaminared bilge water from the shaft tunnel.
The cause of this contamination is purely technical and totally accidental.
This correspondence is an example of

A) bunkering order
B) notification
C) damage to the ship
D) statement of sea protest
E) resume
5_ Lifeboats should be taken ashore, ispected and tested.
All the damage, ıf any, should be repaired.Lifeboat winches should be dismantled over hauled and worn parts
Renewed. Hand brakes and mechanical brake should be checked and adjusted. After completion the work, they should be tested under Chief Officer’s supervision.
This passage is part of..........

A) deck department orders
B) repair specification
C) miscellaneous
D) engine department orders
E) plain letter

6_ Which of the following statements about finding a ship’s position is not true ?

A) A ship’s position can be calculeted by a technıques known as dead reckoning
B) When ın sıght of land,the navigator uses the technıques of coastal navıgation to find position.
C) To fınd the exact position of the ship,a compass bearing can be used.
D) When out of sıght of land,a ship’s position can be found out by using the technıques of celestial navigation.
E) It ıs not possible finding the position of a ship by means of satellite.

7_ Navigation in coastal waters is known as

A) Pilotage
B) Plottage
C) Crusing
D) Sailing
E) Taking bearing

8_ Ship’s position can NOT be given in

A) latıtude and longtıtude
B) bearing and distance
C) reference to a navigation mark
D) rapid and unambigious method
E) electronic position- fixing references

9- Arrival message does not include.............

A) nationality of the ship
B) call sign
C) position
D) last port
E) destination
1- E) Shifting
2- B) Destination
3- C) I Will use my own tow lines.
4- D) statement of sea protest
5- A) deck department orders
6- E) It ıs not possible finding the position of a ship by means of satellite.
7- A) Pilotage
8- D) rapid and unambigious method
9- E) destination
Nihat doğana Burger King'e gittiğinde sormuşlar,
"- Ketçap Mayonez olsun mu?"
Nihat Doğan da arkasını dönüp;
"- Hayır Ketçap, Ketçap olarak kalsın." demiş.

Demek istediğim; 1-E olamaz.
GOSS Sınav sisteminin cevap anahtarı gibi yorum yapmayın.
9. soru ya ıstınaden ! sakin kpt soru yeterlı bılgı ıcermıyo yorum yaparsak ıkı sık arasında kalıyoruz varıs msj derken ?
Yorum ıcın tesekkur ederım sakın kpt . Yorumu genısletırsek pozısyonumuzu da bılıyorlar soylenmıyor belırlı bolge ve pozısyonlarda bu msj cekıyoruz ... Acıkcası arada kaldım
Vts mesajını kastetmıyor soruda ve lımanlara varıslarda aıs ekranından gorunse de prosedur geregı pozısyon ve eta sorulur. Ayrıca bır arkadasım daha 1 nısanda aynı sorulara rastladı ve dogrulugunu onaylıyor.
Tesekkurler sakın kpt bende sınavda bu soruyla karsılassam cvp dest.olurdu . Yorum yapmak ve tartısarak sonuca gıtmektı nıyetım sagolun zaman ayırıgın ıcın tesekkur ederım saygılarımla