GOSS 04.08.2013 İzmir D.ing Sınavı


1) During navigation, navigator shall be refer to both texts and ....... example of text sailing directions list of lights example of table sight reduction.
a) Books
b) Directions
c) Tables x
2) ...... Are used for pipes, ship's funnel for insulation?
a) Asphalts
b) Heat - resistant paints x
c) Varnish
d) Plastic paints
3) ............. is to elliminate the heat side of the fire by applying something that will absorb the heat
a) Smothering
b) Cooling
c) Smouldering
d) Prevating
e) Diluting
4) Routine details of the voyage, any loss or damage to the ship or cargo or any related events are kept in the ………………….. by the mates during their watches.
a) The official Log Book
b) The Scrap Log Book
c) The Engine Room Log Book
d) The Ship’s Log Bookxxx
e) Manuals

5) Solas 74 convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the following is nor an evalution
a) Length of the ship
b) Purpose of usage
c) Number of the passengers
d) Tonnage of the ships
e) Owner of the ship x
6) ............ survey is a unigue one and a complete inspection off all the items relating to the particular cetificate before the ship
a) Initial x
b) İntermediate
c) Annual
d) Periodical
e) Renewal
7) alterations or.................. in an official logbook must be initialled by the authorised keeper of the logbook and the original data entries which have been cancelled or corrected must remain legible.
-- corrections xxxxxxx
8) Depth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.
a) Datumxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
b) Information
c) Line
d) Scale
e) Symbol
9) If the survey reveals that a vessel’s class has been affected?
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class society xxxxxxxxxxx
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above
10) The most modern kind of lifeboat, dropping or falling into the sea and which is covered, is a/an :
Inflatable life raft
a- Freefallxxxxxxxxxx
b- Lifebelt
c- Liferaft
d- Water proof life boat
11) cone, sphere, spar’ indicate buoy’s …..
A) shape xxxxxxxxxxx
B) location
C) function
D) signals
E) position
12) What would the SW point be in degrees?
A) 270°
B) 225°xxxxxxxxxx
C) 315°
D) 170°
E) 110°
13) The opening to the hold from the upper deck is called a/an …………………………………………………..
a) hatchxxxx
b) boom
c) derrick
d) upper peak
e) iner bottom

14) Which of the following procedures is used while abandoning the vessel ?
a) Urgency
b) Security
c) Distress xxxxxxxxxx
d) SOS
e) TTT
15)What part of a ship isn’t in accommodation spaces?
a) boiler roomxxxxxxxxxxxx
b) galley
c) crew mess
d) laundry room
e) cabin
16) Visibility is reduced by fog.
a) Görüş mesafesi yağmur nedeniyle azalmıştır
b) Görüş mesafesi kar nedeniyle azalmıştır
c) Görüş mesafesi toz nedeniyle azalmıştır
d) Görüş mesafesi sis nedeniyle azalmıştırxxx
e) Görüş mesafesinin değişmesi bekleniyor
17) “The master of every ship carrying hazardous cargo other than in bulk- whether it is, or may be, explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening, or environment polluting- shall in organizing safe watch keeping arrangements take full account of the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions on board, afloat and ashore.”
Considering this rule, complete the following statement in case the cargo is ………………. , the master must consider ……………………………………………………………. while arranging .
a) hazardous/ the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the cargo/ watch keepingxxx
b) bulk / explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening/ the stowage
c) special/ health- threatening or environment polluting/ the full account
d) on board/ watch keeping arrangements/ any special conditions
e) carried in bulk / any special conditions on board / watch keeping
18) Signalling by using hand flags is called .................................................. .......................................
a) sophomore
b) semiphone
c) semaphorexxx
d) sphere
e) siren
6) ............ survey is a unigue one and a complete inspection off all the items relating to the particular cetificate before the ship
a) Initial x
b) İntermediate
c) Annual
d) Periodical
e) Renewal

sorunun şıkkından eminmisiniz ben biyerde renewal gormustumde
3. soru cooling olacak

To eliminate the heat side of the fire triangle, cool the fire by applying something that will absorb the heat.
18 sorudan yanlış cevap yok peki nasıl oluyorda 3 yanlış var hadi 2si hatırlamadıklarından birisi ise herkesin kabul ettiği cevaplardan bir tanesi. gelde çık işin içinden