GOSS 22.04.2014 Denizcilik İngilizcesi Çıkmış sorular

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çıkan yeni tarzda sorulardan

>Dunnages prevent cargo from loss and damage caused by ......
-interent vice
-ship’s sweat
-şıkların ilki ıslaklıkla ilgili saçmabirşeydi. bir cevap daha var değişik bir kelime hatırlayamadım cevap oydu.

>Which sentences is true for Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships.

Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out with both ship is in drydock and afloat. XXXXX
Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out only with ship is in drydock
Passenger shipler için 24 ayda bir yapılır
Cargo shipler için 36 ayda bir yapılır
It is additional survey

>When checking of the lighting of the muster and embarkation stations and the alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation stations, including when supplied from the emergency source of power which survey being carried out.

Safety construction certificate survey
Safety electrical installation survey
Safety Equipment certificate survey XXXX

>Which is about insulation.
İmmersion suit
Saçma iki şık

>During loading operation of steel bar, vessels crew recognize that goods have rusty surface. Master of ship state the B/L RUSTY STAINED remark. Diye devam eden bir cümle var. Daha sonra tahliye limanına gidiliyor ve yükte deep corrosion olduğu farkediliyor. 500.000$ bir zarar çıkıyor. en sonra bu zararın neden oluştuğunu savunmak ilk başta b/l e ...... yazıldığından dolayı zordur diyor.

Forklift damage
Crane damage
Stevadors damge
Pitting and rusty
Powdered rusty whole surface XXXXX

>Which one is the Major advantages of Navtex over other transmission methods
It broadcasts in scheduled.
It transmits with low frequency and long distance
Transmissions can receive basic FM receiver
You can read and print message
Updated informations can be received continiously. (ben bu dedim)

>Before apply first layer of paint, last particles on bare metal removed with .....
Line Brush
Flat Brush
Wire Brush
Chipping hammer

>Situation can put at risk the ship, if officer on watch not preoccupied chart if there is a risk of ......

>If is there more thab one unconscious and _____ casualt. You must start first aid in order of dont have pulse,Have severe bleeding, Unconscious

Bleeding xxxx
Damage by Moisture: Damage caused by moisture is called sweat damage. Condensed moisture may corrode metal and mildew textiles, for example. This type of damage ruins more cargo than any other type. Cargo handlers can reduce or eliminate sweat damage by-

Properly preparing cargo for shipment.
Properly using dunnage to provide drainage and air circulation.
Using mechanical ventilation or dehumidifying systems.
Ayrıca dunnage lar ağırlığı yaymak amaçlı da kullanılırlar. Çok ağır ve temas yüzeyi küçük olan bir yük düşünün (özel fabrika parçaları, HRC-CRC vs) ambarın, ambar kapağının veya güverte sacının permissible load kapasitesini aşatığı durumlarda altlarına dunnage döşenerek gemi sacı ile temas yüzeyi arttırılır ve permissible load kapasitesinin altına düşürülür.
Baştan 3. soru Safety Equipment certificate survey XXXX - IMO Resolution A.1053(27) bulabilirsiniz.

SURVEY GUIDELINES UNDER THE HARMONIZED SYSTEM OF SURVEY AND CERTIFICATION (HSSC), 2011 - (E) 1 GUIDELINES FOR SURVEYS FOR THE CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE(EI) examining the plans for the lighting of the muster and embarkation stations and the alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation stations, including the supply from the emergency source of power (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/43 and III/11);
Eğer sorunuz aşağıdaki gibiyse; cevap - b

A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that _____.
a. the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
b. warnings are printed out for reading when convenientxxx
c. broadcasts are at scheduled times
d. a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission
>Before apply first layer of paint, last particles on bare metal removed with .....

cevap - Wire Brush

Aşağıdaki metin açıklayıcı olabilir.
"Before an area can be painted, proper preparation is essential. It must be cleaned and washed with a cleaning solution to remove all salt, dirt and oil. The paintwork must then be rinsed with clean fresh water and all trace of the cleaning solution removed. Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper and any heavy rust with a chipping hammer. Finally, a wire brush should be used on all bare metal to remove the last of the scale, before the first coat of paint is applied."
>If is there more thab one unconscious and _____ soru fazla açık değil, ama "International Medical Guide for the ship 2nd Ed" dan ilgili olabilecek birkaç cümle aşağıdadır.

"First aid - All seafarers should therefore receive training in the basic first aid skills, and their training and retraining in this area should be continued on every voyage. The most important life-saving skills are: artificial respiration, heart compression, and the control of severe bleeding. "

"If there is more than one unconscious or bleeding casualty:
• send for help;
• then start giving appropriate treatment to the worst casualty in the following order of priority: severe bleeding; stopped breathing/heart;
• unconsciousness."

"Priorities On finding a casualty:
-ensure your own safety; - if necessary, remove the casualty from danger or danger from the casualty (but see the note below on enclosed spaces);
-give immediate treatment to the casualty who is not breathing and/or whose heart has stopped, is bleeding severely or unconscious – others can be treated later;
-send for help."
>Dunnages prevent cargo from loss and damage caused by ...... sorusu aşağıdaki gibiyse
cevap - ship's sweat

Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by _______________________ .
a. ship's sweatxxx
b. inherent vice
c. tainting
d. hygroscopic absorption