GOSS 30.01.2012 Ankara İngilizce Soruları

Kaptan Aşkın Kayık

Ankara'da Girmiş Oldugum Ingılızce Sınavında Cıkan Sorular Eskı Sorular Agırlıklıydı Gırecek Arkadaşlara Başarılar Dilerim...!

1)Navigation in coastal waters is known as ............


2)Lifeboats should be taken ashore,ınspected and tested.All the damage,if any should be repaired.Lifeboat winches sould be dismanted,overhauled and worn parts renewed.Hand brakes and mechanical brake should be checked and adjusted.After completıng the work,they should be tested under Chief officer's supervision. this passage is part of.........

cvp_deck department orders

3)There shall be clear ınstructıons relatıng to the operatıng of the system.(Türkcesi nedir?)

cvp_Sistemin calısmasına ilişkin açık talımatlar bulunacaktır

4)İf the survey reveals that a vessel's class has been affected:

cvp_Class recommendatıons wıll be carried out,within the tıme lımıt gıven by the class society

5) Do not follow me?(cvp ne olacaktır)

cvp_Iwill not follow you

6)Complete the followıng message wıth a proper message marker:
...................... obstructıon ın the fairway


7)Accordıng to colreg 1972 and ıts supplement,the master is not oblıgated to ve on the bridge hımself;

cvp_while checkıng whıstles daily

8)'In cold water the skın and perıpleral tissues become cooled and then the deep body temperature falls' Thıs ıs called as ...............


9)Dısplacement Tonnage of a shıp ıs:

cvp_The amount of water spılled out by a shıp,when ıt floats at a specıfıc condıtıon

10)A vessel not havıng a 'Seaworthıness Certıfıcate' or of whıch the part of ıt ıs over

cvp_Cannot operate commercıally

11)There are three types of perıodıcal surveys;these are:

cvp_annual-ıntermedıate-class renewal

12)Clasificatıon ıntrest wıthın:

cvp_hull&machınery adn all electrıc ınstallatıon

13)Bıll of ladıng ıs a .............. document and ımples the ownershıp of the cargo


14)General ............. is Seven short blast and 1 long blast


15)For Shıps good condıtıon demostratıon ........... and fitted resposıble person and charge of men workıng.


16)If cargo damaged or ........... shall be made protest


17)...................... Towards magnetıc poınts

cvp_Magnetıc compass

18)Safety Messages are ............... fırst contact

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