GOSS Ingilizce UZV - Izmir 27.04.2016 - Yeni Sorular


1-) You have been towing astern and have just let go the tow. Your deckhands are pulling in and faking the towline by hand on the stern. The most dangerous action to take is to
A-continue ahead at slow speed
B-continue ahead at half speed
C-stop your engines
D-back down on your engines

2.which is suitable for minor burns treatment?
a)hold the affected area under hot water for at least 10 minutes
b)make the casually as comfortable as possible, lie them down
c)ovner the burn with clean inon flufty material to project from infection
d)continue to pour copious amounts of cold water over the burn
e)take the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them

3-) Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine when __________.
A it has been in use for a specified interval
B it gets dark in color
C it no longer supports combustion
D a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin

4-) Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as __________.
A oxidation
B contamination
C tainting
D vaporization

5- Gemibünyesindeki modifikasyonların planlara uygunluğu hangi surveyde kontrol edilir? (şıklar annual - periodical- reneweal..)

6-Hangi sörveyin anniversary tarihinden 3 ay sonra veya önce yapılır tarzı bir soru? (şıklarda yine tüm sörveyler var)
2.which is suitable for minor burns treatment?
a)hold the affected area under hot water for at least 10 minutes
b)make the casually as comfortable as possible, lie them down
c)ovner the burn with clean inon flufty material to project from infection
d)continue to pour copious amounts of cold water over the burn
e)take the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them

bu sorunun cevabı d değil mi?? hafif yanıklarda yarayı 1 / 2 saat kadar yıkarız, sonra bandajlarız...