denizcilik ingilizcesi
Gasm merkez Istanbul 06.01.2015- 9:45 seansında çıkan sorular.
Not: ---- işaretli şıklar sınavda işaretlediklerimdir.hatırlayamadığım şıkları boş bıraktım.sınavdan 90 aldım.
1- It shall be the responsibility of the ------------------- to prepare the boilers for inspection.
A) Chief Engineer ------
B) 2nd Engineer
C) Boatswain
D) 2nd officer
E) Any above organization
2- When vacuum is lost on a turbo generator the trip is actuated by -------------------
A) Sentinel valve
B) Back pressure
C) Slugs of water -----
D) Overspeed trip
E) A and B
3- what is Another name for the liquid valve
A. Master valve
B. King valve -----
C. Freon valve
D. Shut off valve
E. None of above
4-The coils in the evaporator are attached to the header by:
A. Pipe nipples
B. Union type fittings ----
C. Welding
D. Bolted flanges
E. Both C and D
5-Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces (rudder shock) by:
A. Buffer springs
B. Follow up mechanism
C. Relief valves -------
D. Relieving gear
E. Steering pumps
6-Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ....., turbo alternator ....... And all the full away procedure should be done .....
A.Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order ----
B.Does not have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
C.Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
D.Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
E.Doesn’t have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order
7-All refrigerator compressor valves are opened and closed via .......
C.Pressure differantial
D.A or C -----
E.None above
8-While making your rounds, you notice the main lube oil temperature is higher than normal.
To remedy this situation, you should:
A.Speed up the main lube oil pump
B.Open the lube oil cooler seawater inlet valve wider
C.Throttle in on the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve
D.Close the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
E.Open the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider ------
9-“The quantity of oil in seperated water is controlled by a control unit” what sentence below has the same meaning?
A.Control unit controls the oil quantity and seperate it,
B.The quantity of oil is seperated and controlled by control unit,
C.The oil quantity in water is seperated by control unit,
D.Control unit controls the oil quantity in seperated water, -----
E.Seperated water in oil is controlled by control unit.
10-Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position to maintain an average application rate of not less than 5 l/m²/min over the area covered by the sprinklers.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
a) run
b) keep ------
c) place
d) repair
e) change
11-2 zamanlı guc uretımın 2 stroke or one ……. Of crankshaft diye bir soru vardı.
c) stroke
d) cylce
e) revolutıon ----
13- kavıtasyon la ılgılı soruda …… of propeller kavitasyonun oldugu yeri soruyordu.
d) shaft
e) blade ----
14-The main stationary parts of an engine are_____________
a) bedplate, engine frame, crankshaft, cylinder block, cylinders and liners
b) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, cylinder block, cylinders and liners -----
c) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, crosshead, cylinders and liners
d) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, pistons and liners
e) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, connecting rod, cylinders and liners.
15-draft markasıyla ilgili bir soru vardı.draft marks ındıcates vs vs vs From the bottom of keel to …….
d) draft
e) water lıne ----
16-acil durumda su hattı altında 3 ınc den ufak bır delige gecıcı olarak ne yapılabilir.
a) soft woden lı bır sık vardı ------
b) weldıng
c) cement
17- yanmanın duzgun oldugu nasıl anlasılır dıye bır soru vardı.
a) clear exhaust ------
Gasm merkez Istanbul 06.01.2015- 9:45 seansında çıkan sorular.
Not: ---- işaretli şıklar sınavda işaretlediklerimdir.hatırlayamadığım şıkları boş bıraktım.sınavdan 90 aldım.
1- It shall be the responsibility of the ------------------- to prepare the boilers for inspection.
A) Chief Engineer ------
B) 2nd Engineer
C) Boatswain
D) 2nd officer
E) Any above organization
2- When vacuum is lost on a turbo generator the trip is actuated by -------------------
A) Sentinel valve
B) Back pressure
C) Slugs of water -----
D) Overspeed trip
E) A and B
3- what is Another name for the liquid valve
A. Master valve
B. King valve -----
C. Freon valve
D. Shut off valve
E. None of above
4-The coils in the evaporator are attached to the header by:
A. Pipe nipples
B. Union type fittings ----
C. Welding
D. Bolted flanges
E. Both C and D
5-Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces (rudder shock) by:
A. Buffer springs
B. Follow up mechanism
C. Relief valves -------
D. Relieving gear
E. Steering pumps
6-Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ....., turbo alternator ....... And all the full away procedure should be done .....
A.Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order ----
B.Does not have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
C.Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
D.Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
E.Doesn’t have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order
7-All refrigerator compressor valves are opened and closed via .......
C.Pressure differantial
D.A or C -----
E.None above
8-While making your rounds, you notice the main lube oil temperature is higher than normal.
To remedy this situation, you should:
A.Speed up the main lube oil pump
B.Open the lube oil cooler seawater inlet valve wider
C.Throttle in on the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve
D.Close the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
E.Open the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider ------
9-“The quantity of oil in seperated water is controlled by a control unit” what sentence below has the same meaning?
A.Control unit controls the oil quantity and seperate it,
B.The quantity of oil is seperated and controlled by control unit,
C.The oil quantity in water is seperated by control unit,
D.Control unit controls the oil quantity in seperated water, -----
E.Seperated water in oil is controlled by control unit.
10-Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position to maintain an average application rate of not less than 5 l/m²/min over the area covered by the sprinklers.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
a) run
b) keep ------
c) place
d) repair
e) change
11-2 zamanlı guc uretımın 2 stroke or one ……. Of crankshaft diye bir soru vardı.
c) stroke
d) cylce
e) revolutıon ----
13- kavıtasyon la ılgılı soruda …… of propeller kavitasyonun oldugu yeri soruyordu.
d) shaft
e) blade ----
14-The main stationary parts of an engine are_____________
a) bedplate, engine frame, crankshaft, cylinder block, cylinders and liners
b) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, cylinder block, cylinders and liners -----
c) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, crosshead, cylinders and liners
d) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, pistons and liners
e) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, connecting rod, cylinders and liners.
15-draft markasıyla ilgili bir soru vardı.draft marks ındıcates vs vs vs From the bottom of keel to …….
d) draft
e) water lıne ----
16-acil durumda su hattı altında 3 ınc den ufak bır delige gecıcı olarak ne yapılabilir.
a) soft woden lı bır sık vardı ------
b) weldıng
c) cement
17- yanmanın duzgun oldugu nasıl anlasılır dıye bır soru vardı.
a) clear exhaust ------