Makina İngilizce Cevabı Yanlış Sorular


By definition a separator: I. removes solids from the lube oil; II. removes water from the lube oil.
a) I
b) II(kitaptaki cevap)
c) I and II
d) Neither I nor II
e) Any of above

To remove the impurities and water droplets from oil,_____________are used on board a ship.
a) purifiers(kitaptaki cevap)
b) clarifiers
c) centrifuges
d) separators
e) all

The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit. What sentence below has the same meaning?
a) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it.
b) The quantity of oil is separated and controlled by control unit
c) The oil quantity in water is separated by control unit(kitaptaki cevap)
d) Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water.
e) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit.

Arkadaşlar yukardaki soruların kitapta ve internetteki cevaplarını yanlarına yazdım.bence yanlış.doğrusu sırasıyla c,e,d olmalı.Eğer bu sorular sınavda çıkarsa cevabı ne olarak işaretlemek lazım??Yani goss sisteminde de cevapların yanlış olma ihtimali var mı??