NMEA Data Aktarımı Ile Ilgili Programlar

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NMEA Instruments

For NMEA instruments on your onboard PC/laptop, you may wish to try one of the following:

  1. NavMonPC: Closed source, windows only, but reportedly excellent gauges for wind instruments, GPS, AIS display, anchor alarm, etc.
  2. PolarCOM: Closed source, windows, linux, mac; visually appealing gauges for wind instruments, GPS, anchor alarm, etc.
  3. CapCode: Free software, Java-based navigation programme with sailing/regatta focus, supports wind instruments, polars, VMG etc.
  4. Matrix Mariner GPS: Free software, Window and Linux, visually appealing GPS display, some features for GPS handling including live gps output to Google Earth. (Windows version includes VSPE kernel mode virtual serial driver).
  5. VSPE: Closed source freeware, windows only, Virtual Serial Port Emulator enables you to use data from one serialport (such as GPS or NMEA data) simultaneously with several programs. You can run PolarCom, NavMonPC, OpenCPN and other navigation programs at the same time without COMport conflict.
  6. gpsview:Tool for analyse NMEA textual data, allows to load NMEA log files and view data in table, graph and track forms.