OpenCPN Türkçe Navigasyon Programı 5.2
2014 Haritaları
2014 Haritaları
- BSBv3 raster and S57 ENC chart support.
- CM93 vector chart support.
- IHO S52 compliant display of S57 vector charts.
- Single-chart and Quilted display modes.
- North-up, Course-up and Skewed-up display modes.
- Moving-map display mode.
- Route navigation with ship tracking functions.
- Waypoint navigation.
- Dashboard for configurable on-screen display of ship's NMEA data.
- NMEA 0183 GPS interface at selectable baud rate.
- gpsd library support.
- Autopilot output support.
- AIS input with full target tracking and collision alerting.
- Anchor watch/alarm functions.
- GRIB file input and display for weather forecasting.
- GPX Waypoint, Track and Route input and output file support.
- Tide and Current prediction and display by location.
- Multi-language support.
* Windows 98,2000,XP,Vista,7
* Linux, BSD, Solaris
* Macintosh OSX
Versiyon 5.2
Download /İndir OpenCPN 2.3.1 Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
CM93 v2 2015 Haritaları: (1,0 GB)

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